Biden is senile and the story about the laptop being left at a repair shop is a lie. The CCP sent the hard drives to Pelosi of Hunter's sex files etc. CCP defectors intercepted and made copies which they sent to Trump/Guiliani. Biden is not part of the plan. He was corrupt as could be before he lost his faculties. I expect he will be False Flag retired today. He is no longer useful as they can't afford to have him making blithering idiotic statements.
No goalpost moving.
Biden inaugurated = Terrible. Instant access to nuclear codes. Unless full on military coup.
This is dopium
you've got to be fucking kidding me?! this is a shitpost right??
Fuck off!
alex jones is that you?
Dumb as fuck
Just like statistics everything can be spun to fit a narrative.
Biden is senile and the story about the laptop being left at a repair shop is a lie. The CCP sent the hard drives to Pelosi of Hunter's sex files etc. CCP defectors intercepted and made copies which they sent to Trump/Guiliani. Biden is not part of the plan. He was corrupt as could be before he lost his faculties. I expect he will be False Flag retired today. He is no longer useful as they can't afford to have him making blithering idiotic statements.
NO DEALS..................... Pedeos go down...............
Anyone making money off of Q would certainly love for us to buy this.
Wow! This is pretty good! We can pray!
Nope. You lost me. If he walks out president I AM DONE.
Lol, no... just no
Nope. Not a chance.
how do i downvote a post?