When everyone else gave up hope. We held the line. 79 days of hell. Longest weeks of my life.
I did what I could, as did many of you. We put in the work. We tried. There is no shame in trying. Far more than most others did.
Turn off the MSM. Don't listen to the toxic gloating liberals. Don't bother with twitter.
Take a walk. Have some quiet time.
It was fate that the Deep State cheaters would do this.
Now millions of us will rise up and take this country back, slowly but surely.
Trump and Q knocked over the first domino's - they woke us up, now we fight on.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
I still can’t fathom Trump throwing in the towel. If he does, the country will splinter - States will secede.
Millions already DID “rise up” and take this country back - we elected and supported Trump in never-before-seen numbers.
If we lose control of the Executive/Military now there is no getting it back.
This. We have no leadership. That quite literally puts an end to the MAGA movement.
Yeap. Nothing can stop what is coming alright
Trump didnt "just give up" he fought until the very end.
Trump is just one man.
(R) party did not back him.
They did not stand up in fight.
States certified the ballots, and then sent their electors.
The (R) party and states had the control and power here. And they failed us bigly.
The Constitution gives the President no power to overturn an election.
Many other (R) could have done more, but instead did little.
the fight doesnt end here, troll