Listen. If after the dust settles and we conclude that Q was a psy op, then we can't trust Trump or his family.
Trump morse coded "Q" at 4:20. He spoke with 17 flags in background. Pence has the Punisher logo behind him. The continual use of "The best is yet to come".
We're not schizo's or larpers. Our leadership knew exactly what they were doing. So here we are. What are we going to do?
Please understand this, and keep praying. We need all the help we can get.
Yeah, those red-pilled are peanuts, there's really not THAT many of us. If HRC had gotten in instead of DJT, then they would have had it in the bag. We had no where near the knowledge we do now in 2021 than 2016.
With Hanks the symbolism is pretty blatant. pzagt was before Q.
Who created the cabal? What group of people has been known for white genocide? Who would twist white Americans into being satanic pedo's? The same group of people who would lead Trump into the position he took. Who did Trump send a shit ton of money to? What county has he created so many "peace deals" for? Quit acting like the Cabal is the final boss. They are lackies. What royal bloodlines have felt they were the most superiors since the very beginning?
Trump and Q may very well win... but what does that mean? It means the big bad has cut their loose ends. They don't need the cabal anymore. All according to "The Plan"