I hate to see Biden sworn in today. They stole this election right in front of our eyes. It's demoralizing. We will not stop fighting to save our republic. We learned a lot during these past four years. We know exactly how they steal elections. We will start our own party likely within the GOP much like the Tea Party which was a precursor to the MAGA movement. We will hunt down the RINOs one by one until we replace them with MAGA patriots. We will fight to remove dominion voting machines and restore election integrity wherever we can. We will not let them use the COVID excuse to prohibit voter integrity in 2022. We will watch them count votes. We will not allow the mass mailing ballots. We will create our own media, banking, and education systems that support our 200 Million plus followers.
With all that being said, when I read the Holy Bible Jesus commands us to know the times and the season regarding His return. Jesus warned that when the gospel of the kingdom has been preached to all nations, then the return is near. He said when the fig tree (Israel) bears much fruit a generation will not pass. He said that we will endure much tribulation before the end is here. I would like to believe that everything gets better, but the Bible says that in the great tribulation there will be many martyrs. In fact when Jesus returns He will wage war to avenge the martyrs an His bride the church. The persecution is coming, and the persecution will purify His bride. During these times we will see Gods glory more so than all the Bible, signs and wonders and miracles. We will see a great harvest. Persecution always coincides with harvest. Look where the church is growing the most and you will see great persecution (China, NK, Middle East, Africa, India).
Our hope is in Jesus Christ and our eternity in Him! His resurrection is all the evidence and proof that we need. We fix our eyes on Him for it is in Him that we find peace and joy everlasting. No we do not need to wait until His return, but we do look forward to that great and terrible day!
Do not fear brothers and sisters. Do not worry. We know the end of the story. God wins! We win! Satan and his pedophile followers will burn in the lake of fire.
God Bless you all and God Bless America!
Are we really moving the goalposts to "Hey, maybe the end times are here and Jesus will come and save us!"??
Good grief...
The Bible has never changed. We were praying the grace of God to be extended and the tribulation to be pushed back for longer. God is in control even when we don't get our way.
The book of Revelations is much older than Trump...