"After 8 years of sharing pics and family news on Facebook, I decided to close my account this week. As many of you know, I was born in a communist country (Cuba) where my family and I (and millions more) were considered and called: "Gusanos" (maggots), "escorias" scum, and many other unpleasant names only because we did not accept their socialist ideas. I have seen with sadness how the same thing is happening in this country to over 70 million Americans (including myself) that voted for and supported an amazing president (my opinion), who are now being called deplorable, maggots... Sound familiar?. told by politicians they will be "marked" as not hire-able. I decided I can't be part of a company that canceled a US president but allows people like Ahmadinejad president of Iran, who hates this country and openly wishes its destruction, Nicolás Maduro a socialist that has caused so much suffering to its people, and on... my friends know I don't use foul language but WTF facebook??? I'm taking a stance, as minuscule as it is. All my friends can now reach me on my phone, email, or at my own social page I created to stay in contact with my family and friends www.friengo.com Have to keep grandma happy with grandkids pics ? This might get deleted before it gets to all my friends so stay in touch. Love you all and stay safe." My father said all of this to his family and friends over Facebook. I believe he has a really good point and I would like to spread the message. Facebook needs competition, and even if it small, at least there will be a community who can speak freely and not have to worry about being censored or silenced. Here is the link to the social media website. https://friengo.com/?fbclid=IwAR15Xx-ASDqUf7vrGGWCRj35i-8QV76e61qzBZhVtcKPwNrxO82-4WzHzUU
Edit: Look, this is a newly created website and there is still going to be many things about it that aren't perfect. He is new to the whole social media thing, but he had a vision in mind. He truly is passionate about his work, and is trying to make a world a better place, not only his family, but for American citizens who just want a place where they can socialize without the restrictions set in place nowadays. If there are any issues or concerns, please let me know and we will fix it right away. All the people you see are families posting about their lives and people they love. I apologize if it comes off the wrong way. Thank you for your time.
I get what you are saying. It's just that when a site is touted as a "New Social Media Website Created to Fight Against Big Tech and Promote Free Speech and Competition" and the only visible promoted hashtags are:
beautiful daughter family lasvegas
...along with photos of young girls, sorry, but in today's climate, it's a HUGE red flag most would want to stay far away from.
If what you say is true, I wish you all the best.