... before he was resurrected.
Never lose hope.
EDIT: YES... I understand Trump is not Jesus... I get it. My point is there was a time on Earth when literally all goodness, at least appeared, to be lost. A time where man literally killed the son of God himself.
Miracles do happen. I will never lose hope or faith in the power of good to triumph over evil.
Biden is only the president of a DEFUNCT Corporation of the US. He has NO actual authority. The mil is sworn to protect the Constitution and they know this was a fraudulent inauguration. They have no allegience to a fradulent president.
There are MANY VARIABLES we don't see -- bomb threats to the SC this morning, and to state caps recently. Plan has to be flexible to neutralize any and all threats to the public before mil can start arresting people.
No way this is the end. No way DJT would give up or walk away, because in addition to his UNFAILING LOYALTY TO THE PEOPLE, HIS LIFE is literally on the line. This was always a do or die battle.
And why would Trump issue so many EO's if he was REALLY going to let Biden take over?
RIght now, we need to remain calm and wait and see what happens once the smoke settles.
If we really do end up stuck with Biden, my state is already considering secession. Because here in TEXAS, we could actually survive just fine on our own.
To survive secession you MUST eject the Commies you have now and be willing to do the same when any sprout up. Verstehen ?