posted ago by Judicator ago by Judicator +73 / -1

Listen up, Patriots!

Many of you are questioning everything right now. That is normal, that is acceptable. Question it but remember we are on the right side. Q is MIA, but the TRUTHS shown to us stand for themselves.

We are surrounded; we're battered, bruised, sleepless, demoralized, and running low on supplies, but we still have each other, and we do not, and will not cave. Put aside reservations. Take time if you must, to escape from politics, recover your strength; those of us still dug in and fighting hard will hold the line whilst you do.

Before you wave that white flag, remember the story of the 101st Airborne at Bastogne. They were surrounded by the enemy, facing the full fury of the German assault concentrated on their point alone. They were basically out of all supplies, including ammunition. They held their lines in the dead of a frigid and dark winter; when offered surrender, their response to the German command was a simple message: "NUTS!". Should we only be so brave. They never surrendered, and they were victorious.

We must prepare for what is to come. Some believe Q will suddenly ride in and liberate us, and for all I know that may be true. That should not change what we do, however.

Take rest. We will need as many of you as we can if we are to preserve Liberty and Justice for ALL.

We need leadership. Not just Trump, not just Q, not just some special figures whom we can never seem to make up our minds of we can trust; we need someone that will organize and devise a clear plan to victory, and see it through to the end. If no others are willing to take up that responsibility, I will do my best to do so.

If you are willing to continue fighting for justice, heed those words. I offer you no mystical out, no means of victory, no path without trial, work, and tears; but I do offer you a path. I will make a post again when everything has calmed down more, on Friday the 22nd at 7:00 P.M. Eastern, assuming it is still necessary and this forum is still up.

To be clear, I am not shilling or LARPing. I offer no hidden meanings to my words. I'm just a patriot that knows that someone needs to do something, or we are destined for a thousand years of darkness.

To be clear, my plan does not involve us performing violence. I am not condoning, promoting, advocating for, or endorsing the use of violence. There are other means for victory, means outlined in the great successes of the past by other warriors for Liberty. And, before any of you more agitated patriots (or otherwise) go claiming violence is the best way at this point, remember the Art of War: "to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting"

Recommended reading in the mean time:

I pray for our safety, happiness, and success.
