Can someone tell me exactly which Q drop says it's today...this hour, it's now or never? Or even the guarantee that it'll be next week or month? I couldn't find it and I didn't see it.
But what I did see was this. I have seen an outpouring of patriots dedicating countless hours and resources, using their skills to redpill an entire nation that's been blinded by lies, deception and fraud.
I have seen some of the brightest, creative and critical minds I've ever known, putting their abilities to use for the betterment of this country.
And most importantly, I have witnessed an unwavering faith in God and country, by people eager to restore this nation to its rightful place of glory.
If Q is a spook or psyop or some Russian troll meant to pacify patriots, so be it and who cares? If it's true, his/her/their mission was a complete and utter failure, having drastically unforeseen and inevitable consequences. So what if a group of godless pedophiles rigged an election and seek to do harm under the noses of the uninformed?
The joke would be on them for having galvanized an entire population, supported by countless others across the globe, motivated by the pursuit of truth, justice and freedom... and most importantly, guided by God.
There is a storm (a shit-storm) and as promised, it has come to pass. But I'd think us to be fools if we weren't expecting to be smack dab in the middle of it, right alongside everyone else. What matters most is the belief that God will use this storm for our benefit, he will make something good of it.
Jesus put his disciples in the middle of the worst storm of their lives, only to strengthen their belief in Him.
Q is a person or people and whether intentional or not, Q has had a role to play in the bigger picture because God chooses whom to use and how to use them, for His purpose and He has not and will not ever lead us astray.
And, I hate to have to use LOTR quotes but in case there's any agnostics in the crowd feeling left out... ?
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
"[Pippin walks to the railing of the balcony and leans against it.] Pippin: "It's so quiet." Gandalf: "It's the deep breath before the plunge." Pippin: "I don't want to be in a battle, but waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse! Is there any hope, Gandalf? For Frodo and Sam?" Gandalf: "There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope."
The story has been written. And we already know the end.
I hope you stocked up on popcorn because there's plenty of post-credits action.
Oh, and in case you needed some more hopium... the world is in our corner. They're counting on us not to quit. We owe to them, to ourselves and to each other, to hold fast, hold the line and trust the plan...God's plan. Whether Q wants to be a part of it or not, is irrelevant.
Matthew 8:23-27 NLT 23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26 Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
Romans 8:28 "God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life."
I just wanted to write a short message to all of you today. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, I don't put 100% faith in anyone, it all could've been a trick to have an excuse to censor/label-as-crazy unconformable truths about our political system. There might still be an ounce of hope, or we could be headed to more overt censorship, lockdowns, and worse. It's honestly not even the politicians who scare me, it's the citizens of this country who refuse to admit anything is wrong with the system, and who think they are the resistance as they repeat word for word whatever the media's daily buzzwords are.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad today. 1984 isn't a theory anymore. We saw people double-counting ballots, absurd voting swings overnight, workers blacking out the windows at the voting locations. We read the DNC emails. It's all out in the open. and no one seems to care. as long as they have their bread, circuses, and people around them who will validate them, they're happy to give up any rights.
I've been educated at what most would consider very "elite" schools. The ones the liberals salivate over. And yet on those campuses the number of people who truly care about the constitution I could've counted on two hands. The number of people who look at American history with pride even less. The number of people who understand our uniquely blessed place in history, and how close we are to being truly free still smaller. The same people being elevated to be our next generation of politicians, and most of them can't even tell you who fought on what side of WWII, or for what reasons. Civics and ethics are not relevant at all to these people.
It's heartbreaking.
I will say this, though. While there was certainly a mixture of people in this community, and a lot of speculation/false predictions that did our cause no good, I will never forget one thing. And that was that when I was talking to people from around the world in the Q community, they genuinely were in it not for themselves, but for others. For a chance to live in a slightly better world. A chance to wake up to mental slavery and come together against it. People from every nation, color, and religion who realize we actually could live in a world based on consent, responsibility, and self-sovereignty.
It was beautiful to witness. And it will never end. No matter how bad it gets. I have no problem with people still holding onto hope, perhaps something will happen. But even if it doesn't, I know that there are millions of good people around the world who are thankful to our ancestors for their sacrifices, and would be willing to make the same sacrifices to make a better world for future generations.
Love will win in the end.
You've put into words (eloquently) what I've been struggling with since 2017... There's always a Silver Lining to be sought, even in the darkest of situations.
I've remained 50/50 on Q (and insider MIL/GOV action) since the email leaks and start of the drops, always discerning theory and rationale, at least with an open eye.
I will say this... Regardless of whether or not any portion of this was true, the Q movement, in its essence, represents a vast portion of America that wants to see corruption (domestic/international) brought to justice. It represents pissed off people who want and push for the betterment of society on all levels, for all races, and all political affiliation. It isn't in any way a cult as so many seem to label it as... Rather, a movement towards information and peace.