The second amendment is not a permit to go to a gun range and plink at paper cutouts once every few months or hunt some hogs.
Your rulers in DC saw your vote and said "I don't care", and they don't trust you enough to let you walk within 20 kilometer radius of president Xi's dignitary in the White House. In true fashion of an open and democratic society, 20k armed guards stand watch to ensure no unarmed terrorist ever dares to walk into the building they pay taxes for and take photos.
The election was stolen, your vote was meaningless and all you can do is shake your fist at the elites who mock you, laugh in your face, ask you openly "what are you going to do about it?" and you vow to vote again in 2024? Please, you deserve all the mockery.
You will either get yourself out of your comfort zone and do something about this blatant unlawful election result and illegitimate "president", or you will in true boomer fashion, watch the death of America from the front seats, televised, in the comfort of your warm home, shoveling something that can barely be classified as "food" into your mouth, posting away angrily at the state of things, but never doing anything. And the background noise of America dying will not be bombs, screams, gunfire, applause, or even as much as a whimper.
It will be the creak of your comfy leather chair.
Been offer this:
There are a LOT of issues to deal with:
The UN Agenda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The Georgia Guidestones, etc. all have the same goal...a highly reduced population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, and a total dependency to the "state" for life, water, electricity, etc.
It is up to us to start acting locally, meeting up with others and going to ANY meetings, board or city/county council, that deal with land and water use, anything "sustainable," socialist school agendas, etc. Use the skills you have…organizing, writing, IT work, etc.
Maybe even start a The and even invite cops cuz’ we aren’t breaking the law, we are the law, the people united, will NEVER be defeated.
The want a civil war, we have to give them a truth war.
If you do not pay taxes to this criminal organization occupying the White House, their enforces will come to kill you.
How will you stop them from killing you? Ask nicely? Or will you pay up?
Tucking your hand in the sand and begging them to leave you alone is not an option. A man doesn't beg.
I never said any of that pede???
You want to be independent from the state? Fastest way to do that is to go off grid. If you go off grid, you'll be hunted.
Want to infiltrate the system? Good luck. Most of these people are unelected. You can forget about ever getting on any board or council without nepotism.
Politics is violence civilized and restrained. There is no more political solutions.
Just too many of you out here today with downer, doomer, sad comments.
If you can't see that what Q and Trump and others have been trying to do with the movement then perhaps you should try to relax today and come back with a clearer mind tomorrow.
This has been one lonnng battle in a war that takes courage and strength of character to win.
Unfortuanately since Oct 28, 2017 when Q first posted a large amount of hopium was created from active immaginations with idealistic intentions.
When I was in the Army and we were being pushed by the Top Sgt's we couldn't get passed the pain a lot cuz we didn't understand what "conditioning" was.
The Q movement was about conditioning people to use critical thinking and to work together.