We don’t know what the mil operation has for a plan, but until they walk away it’s not over.
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We continue to do nothing as the Democrats are more bold than ever. Where is the next goal post?
Where is the Q drop for us during this time?
Trusting the plan = doing nothing, then the republic is lost in reality and everything saying it's not is just a rumor.
Many people have put in huge hours crunching election data , proving the fraud. Thousands of volunteers stepped up for this effort. Charts, videos, spreadsheets.
Since Nov3 MANY people have done MANY things to fight back.
yeah, fraud is proved but we are well past the point where that matters. the point is, what are we doing NOW.
Run for office, become a poll watcher, lobby your local and state officials to do away with vote counting machines. WORK in your local area and state to make a difference. It is the only way you can do anything at this point.
When was it proven? The only instance that was proven was against for trump... remember when he said that you should try to vote 2x?