We don’t know what the mil operation has for a plan, but until they walk away it’s not over.
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Q drops 4821 and 4822 give me hope.
Q drop 4821:
Q drop 4822:
Q obviously knows the answers to these questions.
I like Q, but we all know the answers to these questions. Yes, the white house is now owned by China. Ukraine is small potatoes. China already owns $1.1 Trillion of our debt so its their's anyway. They could call in the loan and we are fucked. What most people don't know is China owns a majority stake in a significant portion of our companies as well. Including oil and natural gas. Which means they won't ban fracing cause China needs the oil. Look up Sinopec. They have over 1million employees and a stake in all publicly traded oil companies and are primary financer of the private equity that backs the "independent" companies. Its always about oil fren.
If by taken to the barn you mean they hold the second largest stake in our Debt, yes you are correct.