Hey love ur vibe just confused ur mistake was believe something other than God could defeat the devil or believing that only God. Sorry I'm not trying to be that gramma fag i just love ur vibe and want to ensure others will to.
Ok that's what I thought u were trying to say and ur absolutely correct. Huge step in ur journey is that simple conclusion. Glad to on the journey with u much love and keep up ur message it's the only important one for peoples hearts right now
Hey love ur vibe just confused ur mistake was believe something other than God could defeat the devil or believing that only God. Sorry I'm not trying to be that gramma fag i just love ur vibe and want to ensure others will to.
Ok that's what I thought u were trying to say and ur absolutely correct. Huge step in ur journey is that simple conclusion. Glad to on the journey with u much love and keep up ur message it's the only important one for peoples hearts right now