By ALI SWENSON yesterday CLAIM: Air Force Gen. John Hyten, the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, created a channel on the popular messaging app Telegram on Jan. 18 and has posted several dozen times there sharing videos, images and phrases such as “nothing can stop what is coming” and “THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD.”
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Hyten’s spokeswoman, Maj. Trisha Guillebeau, confirmed to The Associated Press that the general does not have a Telegram account and that the creator of the channel is impersonating him.
THE FACTS: The Telegram channel titled “General Hyten” was created on Jan. 18. By the next day, it had dozens of posts and well over 200,000 subscribers.
Most likely fake. The account has posted links to a group called the great awakening who is now posting Paypal requests for money to create a "website".