I'll be damned. They must have a multinational coop of well read folk or a quantum computer waaaay ahead of Gaygle's quantum supremacy. To be this balls deep into every. Single. God. Damn. angle of every shade of every hue having such significance is beyond wild.
or maybe... not saying it was aliens, but...
ha but on a serious note that would be most satisfying. According to the marshall report the biden inauguration was prerecorded cause italy saw it 10 hours before us, pelosi reportedly arrest, and a new capitol untainted by occult satanic filth being constructed.
not holding my breath for any of that lol but damn wouldn't that be something.
I'll be damned. They must have a multinational coop of well read folk or a quantum computer waaaay ahead of Gaygle's quantum supremacy. To be this balls deep into every. Single. God. Damn. angle of every shade of every hue having such significance is beyond wild.
or maybe... not saying it was aliens, but...
ha but on a serious note that would be most satisfying. According to the marshall report the biden inauguration was prerecorded cause italy saw it 10 hours before us, pelosi reportedly arrest, and a new capitol untainted by occult satanic filth being constructed.
not holding my breath for any of that lol but damn wouldn't that be something.