Those critics were quietly waiting throughout the previous days and up to this morning to see what would happen; Whether somebody would get arrested and the "Plan" would kick off like we all hoped.
In that time while they were silent, they believed it was possible.
Well I️ still do. Nothing has changed for me.
I've been rounding up to 80 million to account for fraud.
Probably closer to 100.
Guess only dominion, the Germans, and god will know the true numbers
i know it sounds rediculous, but i feel was closer to 125 million for GEOTUS and less than 40 million for child rapist cabal
I mean, why stop at 125? The corrupt elite have been undercounting the Patriots in the census for CENTURIES. White america was absolutely flourishing, 1 billion population before shape shifter Lincoln started civil war genocide against whites. Despite that, probably 300 million Patriots left that voted for the savior.
See—now THAT is some math that I can get behind! (I just have a problem with the whole “75” thing)
since we;re drawing for the pot.... I say 90 million trumpist patriots, 40 million poorly-raised fools