If military have seen PROOF that Biden was fraudulently elected/is guilty of treason/is a pedophile, they cannot recognize him as the lawful president.
Since Trump, even thought he was the rightful winner, was not certified by Congress, they also cannot recognize him as the lawful president.
If the Corporation of the United STates has no LAWFUL president by midnight, it automatically dissolves.
So FEMA takes over at midnight and operates according to their oath of allegience to the Constitution. And with the Corp of the US dissolved, we return to our ORIGINAL constitution, prior to the illegal Act of 1871, and reclaim our sovereign status and declare DC to be an enemy occupation.
The military then handles arrests, tribunals, and new elections. Trump had to step aside so that he would NOT be a party to any of this action. Purely military response to an attempted coup/insurrection.
After all the tribunals are over, we have elections to replace 95% of our govt who took extended vacays at GITMO. Trump, who was the legitimate winner of the pres race (and there is proof that he won BIGLY), is inaugurated on March 4 as the 19th president of the Restored Republic.
Do I have proof? No. It's a military op. We aren't meant to KNOW what's going on. But after reading exhaustive accounts of the Act of 1871 and watching hours of brain melting explanations of how our republic was hijacked by a shadow government who enacted illegal amendments to enslave us to the central banks and the IRS, and listening to several highly illuminating and logical discussions of this subject in multiple Bards FM vids on YT, this makes the most logical sense. To me, anyway.
Check it out or write it off -- your choice.
All I know is Trump did NOT concede, and he would NEVER give up without
a) letting us know; and b) moving to another galaxy
because he knows the DS want his head on a platter. This was always a fight to the death, and we can't forget that.
Until he tells me otherwise, I remain loyal to Trump and I am keeping the faith! I'm ready to see the PAIN COME DOWN like I know it will!!
Not trying to be a downer here and I'm legitimately asking coz I don't know... but isn't it too late by now? I thought if any arrests are going to happen it has to be done BEFORE His Fraudulence is sworn in as Prez/CiC.
Once the swearing in is done, he's officially the boss of the entire military and its too late? Or is there some caveat somewhere that lets the military go against the CiC's commands?
I had hoped we would see action by now. I am disappointed but I still believe that just because we don't SEE it that doesn't mean action isn't happening. That inauguration didn't look live to me. So that is one sign that things are NOT as they seem. And why would DC be still in full lock down if this was just a normal (albeit highly emotional) transition? Then with all the various world govts falling apart, that also tells me there is some kind of major shake up happening.
Another new vid from Juan O Savin (is that some ref to 107?) says that the mil IS in control now and they DO know that Biden is part of a coup by tge DS and the mil does not recognize him as a lawful prez. But that the plan involves giving the people a taste of what this controlled and corrupt admin has in store before everything is resolved within 30 days. Hard pill to swallow and another shifting of goalposts (which were only ever established by us hopeful anons but still demoralizing).
In the end we all can only believe in what sounds true to us in our hearts and guts, and I remain convinced that the plan is in action. I am keeping the faith and hope that others do as well. I may be scorned and ridiculed but so be it.