posted ago by 427windsorman ago by 427windsorman +36 / -0

I am new here, but I am no stranger to what this site represents. I only recently became aware of Q, but I have always instinctively known the spirit of resistance to evil. That is how our Constitutional Republic came to be, after all.

I am a veteran of the United States Army and served during the Cold War in Germany in the mid to late 1980's. I know very well what the threat of communism means and how it destroys hope, decency, and people. Tyranny, in any form, is contrary to the principles upon which our Constitutional Republic was established by men who lived through days as dark as those we find ourselves in today.

My military service was not for the President, it was to uphold and defend the Constitution of These United States from all enemies, foreign, and domestic. I fought in the Gulf War and it was that experience that motivated me to learn and understand the meaning and purpose of my oath, the meaning and purpose of the Constitution, and the truth about the founding of our Constitutional Republic. I have been on this journey of learning for 30 years now. You want to know what I learned? I learned the meaning of the principles upon which our Constitutional Republic was founded. I learned that our founding fathers were enlightened and truly inspired by our Creator in their efforts to establish a type of government that had never been instituted on the Earth before that time. They sacrificed much in their efforts, and they warned us to be ever vigilant in guarding the liberty they paid for in blood. They also proved that liberty and freedom have a cost that all must pay to one extent, or another. Everyone that desires the blessings of liberty and freedom must be willing to sacrifice to obtain it, to keep it, or to regain it.

I, for one, will not give up hope that there is a Plan. I know the true author of that Plan is the same Creator who endowed upon us our inalienable rights. He has not abandoned us. The test of faith is easy when it doesn't cost you anything to display it. The real test of faith is when you can maintain it when times are dark and hope seems fleeting.

I will not give up my faith, my hope, nor my will to resist evil and corruption. To give up demeans the sacrifices of all those who went before. Those who fought in wars, who stood up to oppression, who defied impossible odds. I am not just talking about those laid to rest in Arlington or those who wore a uniform. I am also talking about the countless forgotten people who stood up against tyranny, and either lost their lives, or their freedom. The ones who you watched on the news and called idiots, or crazy, or however the MSM painted them. The fact is, they were us, they were/are We, the People.

I will not tarnish the sacrifices of all of those people. No matter how much pressure is put on me to turn my back on my faith, my principles, and my self respect. You better believe that the tyrants, regardless of the ideology they label themselves under, will do everything in their power to break you and force you to renounce what you hold dear and sacred.

I choose to remain faithful in the plan. I will always support it as best I can. If it comes to it, I would lay my life down to preserve it. I am willing to sacrifice my own life to protect the future of our children. Of our posterity. I refuse to take a knee to those who intend to rule over us, or give in to the hopelessness they inspire.

You don't know me, and I don't know you. What I do know is that we are kindred spirits, otherwise you would never have come here to begin with.

Don't give up hope, faith, or the will to resist just because of the appearance of defeat. Oftentimes obstacles appear insurmountable. You don't think our founding fathers really thought they could defeat England, do you? They didn't, but they fought for their principles and beliefs anyway. They did it knowing they would likely die trying. Better that than accept the mantle of slave.