posted ago by RichyT ago by RichyT +60 / -0

Unhindered by protocol and not concerned on what he says in relation to causing an International Crisis by speaking from an Official Office, DJT might be their worse nightmare yet. He is in the clear from being involved directly with Legal Actions that will come against the DS. Whatever is in store for them has been planned,... this isn't over. Remember Q's last crumb was "DURHAM"

DJT now knows more than any other "citizen" as to who is who and what they have done. Upon leaving he left behind numerous "paper landmines" that only he might know what they are. He can speak in a much freer manner than as President about what he thinks and wants to do and what we shall do. Be prepared to see him and hear from a lot . You Know He Loves to Speak About What He Thinks.

DJT may be the Only DC Politician that Ever left office with a lower net worth than when he started. He worked nonstop for over 4 years for us (and only took $4 a year of his salary) we owe him so very much more than he owes us. He has set up and provided a path for us to take forward and I am sure there will be some Very Big Things to happen in the near future. Stay Strong, Stay Cool and Stay Safe, things will happen be patient too. May God Bless frens