posted ago by SSConservativePride ago by SSConservativePride +42 / -0

To the people that are coming in with insults or asking the community to "stop the larp" do you not know what respect is? There are clear community guidelines much like the guidelines that you agree to when you use Twitter or FB except it's a lot clearer and there is no shadow cuckery. I do not 100% believe everything Q (sorry guys I'm more of a Skully) but I really liked Trump as a president. The people here seem to have a keen eye for real news and other tidbits so I respectfully browse here. My advice for life in general is don't waste it hating on others for no good reason. If this is directed at you, then I guarendamntee the only reason I am calling you out is that you don't seem to be able to leave people alone. If this wasn't directed at you, sorry you read it, please carry on.