posted ago by TeamSaiyanRace ago by TeamSaiyanRace +43 / -1

I am glad I found this page though. Does Trump still have a plan? Yeah I do think so because before I knew about Q I supported him and just by listening to him speak and seeing how the media treated him I knew something was off. First I thought it was just because there was an agenda and they wanted him out (Which technically is true) But then when I saw people actually believing the media when I thought it would actually make them change... I knew something was off.

So If anyone needs true solid hope. Please remember that a lot of you here probably can relate to this story 100%. Q most likely is a real thing specially since Trump acknowledged it with his signs and everything. How long will this plan be I don't know but it doesn't matter. We are awake and nothing can change that now. The pain we endured for 4 years will be for something greater.

I think Project Veritas honestly will be a big play. That video he reposted today that was a week old made me realize that the "Twitter" videos he released about @Jack were kind of just smoke. He said two people from federal agencies would be recording everything over the next couple months and I think that means NOW. When the twitter videos came out I forgot about what he said because I thought that was it but since he made a point to repost it today... The great awakening will happen and I think we already planted something in our fellow American's heads regardless and they will wake up and see.

So please know you were not wrong, and Trump really was the greatest president we have ever had and this awakening fight is not over. Whether the deep state are satan worshipers or not isn't even my focus. If they are then yeah even more reason to want to take them down. But I know one thing that's certain. Just them controlling our country like this is enough for me to believe in this fight.

Also, Trump is too damn smart. He's not done and I know you don't want to hear this but TRUST me it's okay if he was done. Seriously. In the end we really don't need a president. We just need something big to happen that changes the world and I think Trump definitely started it.