Here's a list of important/strange details that I've noticed/come across.
Trump flew to, but never landed in Florida
If you watched Trump's military send off this morning, he did a small speech and then boarded Air Force One, (with the nuclear football) and then traveled down to Palm Beach and then head to Maralago.
Trump will take nuclear football to Florida
Here's the flight path of Air Force one through the whole trip, notice it's just a loop. The plane didn't land in Florida, Trump went back to Joint Base Andrews. But the MSM has confirmed that Trump did in fact land in Florida. One interesting detail is Melania is wearing a different outfit from the one she was wearing while at Joint Base Andrews. I know she could change clothes on the plane and all, but i swear that I've seen that outfit before on another trip. I'll look for video later and add it in here.
Air Force One's trip flight tracker
(On the left side of the map, you can click the History button and play the whole trip in different speeds. Also has the exact time)
Man in the window
During Biden's live stream when he was signing executive orders with the press, you can see what appears to be Trump walking from the right side. around 24:23, the secret service comes in telling everyone that the press they need to leave(possibly yelling crisis) the live stream cuts off shortly after, and the video becomes unlisted on YouTube.
Possible Trump sighting start at 22:30 and watch the right window
Other notable information Back in Dec,During the 1st year birthday of the Space Force, SecDef Chris Miller thanks VP Pence for efforts in the most complex military operation in history. Space forth 1st birthday
I'll add to the list if i come across and check info. Don't give up hope yet.
This shit is out of control. The loop was BECAUSE THEY DROPPED HIM OFF AT MAR A LAGO AND WENT BACK TO ANDREWS. Did you think Trump gets to keep AF1? jesus christ man.
The nuclear football has been debunked a million times. Trump had to take it with him because he was president until 11:59:59. An aide handed Biden his new nuclear football as soon as he was sworn in, his went "online" and Trumps went "offline" its that simple.
The man in the window isn't Trump, where the hell is the secret service to follow him? Also why the fuck would Trump be at the white house, walking around outside, if he did everything in his power to make it look like he was at mar a lago?
This shit is so dumb
Unless Trump hopped out with a parachute, it's not lining up. Look at the flight tracker. You can follow the entire trip. The plane doesn't even fly over Palm Beach, nor does the plane dip below 29k altitude in Florida.
Not sure why you're so upset. Could have just avoid the post, or the website, but here you are. Take a break awhile, you sound like you need one.
is it possible that they turn the tracker offline while AF1 is landing, as to not show it's location when it's on the ground?