posted ago by killerbunny88 ago by killerbunny88 +36 / -0


Wow, today was a crazy day. Our theories and expectations were turned around. I know many of us felt demoralized. But Lord, You have given all of us discernment, and we have all picked up on very odd things about today. Lord, You know the truth. You are sovereign over everything. I ask for confidence and peace about what is going on right now. Lord, I pray for encouragement as many of us lament and stress over our nation.

Lord, I want to pray specifically for President Trump and his family right now. Lord, please protect them from harm. Give them the strength and fortitude to endure. I pray that You give President Trump and all of those working with him guidance, wisdom, and courage to make the right decisions and carry out the plans that You have for them, Lord.

Lord, and now I pray for America. Your America. Lord, I ask You now for a miracle. Lord, I pray that you strike our enemies down. I pray for the evil and corruption to be exposed for the entire world to see. Lord, You know what these people have done. I pray for Justice. I ask You to uphold truth and righteousness and smite these evil enemies who sought to steal and destroy our great nation. Lord, root this evil out of our country. Show the world who these people truly are. Give us justice Lord. Restore our nation to it's foundation, and give us a righteous and just leader. I ask for the ears, eyes, hearts, and minds of the American people to be opened so that they may see and understand the truth not only of what is going on in this country, but I pray that they may know the ultimate Truth. Lord, I ask for a revival in this country. Help us to become one nation under You once again.

Send all of those working for good some love and encouragement, Lord. We need it. Help us to become a praying people again. Help us to turn to You and bring our burdens to You. Lord, I pray that You get the glory for whatever You have planned. Satan cannot be allowed to win, Lord. Please go before us and grant us victory. Thank you for allowing us the chance to come together on this forum, Lord. Allow it to continue to be a conduit for truth, information, encouragement, and community. Thank you for all of the blessings You have given us. Lord, just give us the strength to get through this time. Please do not allow this evil to stand. It's in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.