Hello fellow pedes. I am new here, and I’d like to give you a different perspective than I guess what I’ve seen here.
From my first day, until now. I’ve noticed a big change in good info and disinfo. On my first day here based on comments there was hardly any dooming at all. It’s mainly the reason why I left TDW. Now I’m seeing more of the very reason I left that site. The shills are getting smarter and smarter, and always find a way to demoralize.
But one of the very reasons I was even driven to the original TD was because of the HIGH ENERGY. It gave me hope in the MASS AWAKENING of humanity to the atrocities of the elite, And my grandest hope of these so called “untouchables” was to see them served justice for their horrible crimes!
I have been part of the anti establishment movement since 2012 when I saw how badly the media treated people like Ron Paul. Back then I delved into a rabbit hole I would never return from. For the information I learned as to how GRAND, how EVIL, and how SICK and horribly CORRUPTED these people are, Made me absolutely sick!
To see these people get away with censoring, and stealing an election back then made me feel so hopeless. As if I had no voice. So badly I felt.
I felt a horrible pain that drove me away from politics. The crushing defeat to see a guy who’s policies were essentially anti establishment, censored and cut off made me realize just how corrupted the world is.
Then 2016 comes along. And an OG TD post leaked onto Reddit. That shit had to be the absolute coolest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. It was a Photo of Donald Trump standing on a military tank, with a big American flag, an explosion and a bald eagle. That image AWAKENED a fire inside me I thought I’d lost.. And the first taste of OG TD felt like I had been separated from a family for the longest time And I got to see them again The joy, the HOPE and butterflies were INTENSE
I had finally found my people. And there were a lot of people.
So many in fact that they had to censor us. They had to quarantine us. And ultimately banning us. The same cycle is repeating now that did then.
HOWEVER. They’re dealing with more than just Mr. RON PAUL.
They’re dealing with PRESIDENT DOCTOR GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Master 5D chess master, who holds the keys to salvation anointed by higher powers we can not understand NOR see But deep down we know it’s real
It’s HOPE and FAITH. God will win. Because we are
1 NATION under GOD.
You’re mad why? Lol you literally are insulting me because you aren’t getting paid to do what you’re doing like some other people do, admit it. Fucking clown.