Hello, I was browsing these forums and see people who dislike Socialism and Communism, but I was kinda wondering if any of y'all would like to deep dive on the subject and give me reasons you don't like the ideologies? Hoping to have a civil and open discussion, thank you in advance :)
Edit: I'm only human, sorry if it takes a bit for me to respond
대한민국 국민입니다.모든 조건을 배제하고 한국전쟁 이후 남한과 북한을 보면 이념 논쟁은 의미가 없습니다. 그러므로 공산주의는 지구에서 사라져야할 엘리트들의 통치도구 입니다. 공산주의에서는 악한1%로만 사람답게 살수 있습니다. 영어가 능숙하지못해 번역기로 글을 써서 의미가 이상할수 있습니다. 요약 한국과 북한을 비교해보라.
North Korea is a fascist state, in fully implemented Communism, the 1% wouldn't be the only people living like a human, as it's all about the elimination of social classes.
Communists deny the failure of communist countries. I think it is always perfect. However, under the principle of always failure and integrity, we create a deformed society. And always say. Let's realize the perfect communism and fool people into saying the impossible is possible. Summary Communists don't even know what communism is.