Nothing happens. The president is elected by the electoral college, fraudulent votes don't matter after the electoral college has cast it's electors. The best we can hope is that one fraud is proven in one state, then other states will realize it was a fraud and clean it up for the future. Doubtful that cities like Atlanta and Philly will do that. AZ might be able to repair our system, but the rest of the country won't. I think the best to hope for is that the evidence comes out and the public wakes up to the truth.
Arizona is in play as well
Maricopa County was subpoenaed and has agreed to turn over ALL election material (ballots, machines, etc) to be audited by people of our choosing.
This was agreed to 1 HOUR after the “inauguration”
Texas is looking to do the same
Only ONE state has to prove fraud that Biden was involved in
Nothing happens. The president is elected by the electoral college, fraudulent votes don't matter after the electoral college has cast it's electors. The best we can hope is that one fraud is proven in one state, then other states will realize it was a fraud and clean it up for the future. Doubtful that cities like Atlanta and Philly will do that. AZ might be able to repair our system, but the rest of the country won't. I think the best to hope for is that the evidence comes out and the public wakes up to the truth.