There is no ONE plan. There are plans and backup plans. Look at the last few months. How many PLANs were there? How many BACKUP plans have there been? This is the bane of the process of finding remediation and redressing grievances in court. You work your way down the line of exhausting your remedies. Plans and a path of backup plans.
Consider this - the United States was founded as exactly that - a union of states with their own ideologies, laws, and differences. The whole point originally was that we would be one nation under God, but we would have separate states, with separate laws, for different people, who believe in different things. That is the whole idea to our country. You don't like how it is in one state? That's fine, move to another one, and still be a part of the USA. But when it comes time for these various states to unify against a common enemy, foreign or domestic, that's what they fuck they do and have done for our entire history!
I realize this post I made is not Q related, but I came here because I see a lot of positivity and real patriots here, and came here trying to see if even those who I know are patriots think what I am saying is crazy. However, see the following rules of GAW in support of what I am saying:
Civil Discussion ONLY:
They want you divided.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak [no collective power].
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them]. Assholes will be banned.
Expand your thinking:
Remember, this .WIN is the public face of the Great Awakening, and, as a member here, you agree to represent the Great Awakening movement against Globalism, Communism and Progressive Insanity in the best, most positive way possible. NOTE: Your comments and posts may become news.
There is no ONE plan. There are plans and backup plans. Look at the last few months. How many PLANs were there? How many BACKUP plans have there been? This is the bane of the process of finding remediation and redressing grievances in court. You work your way down the line of exhausting your remedies. Plans and a path of backup plans.
Consider this - the United States was founded as exactly that - a union of states with their own ideologies, laws, and differences. The whole point originally was that we would be one nation under God, but we would have separate states, with separate laws, for different people, who believe in different things. That is the whole idea to our country. You don't like how it is in one state? That's fine, move to another one, and still be a part of the USA. But when it comes time for these various states to unify against a common enemy, foreign or domestic, that's what they fuck they do and have done for our entire history!
I realize this post I made is not Q related, but I came here because I see a lot of positivity and real patriots here, and came here trying to see if even those who I know are patriots think what I am saying is crazy. However, see the following rules of GAW in support of what I am saying:
Civil Discussion ONLY: They want you divided. They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. Divided you are weak [no collective power]. Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them]. Assholes will be banned.
Expand your thinking: Remember, this .WIN is the public face of the Great Awakening, and, as a member here, you agree to represent the Great Awakening movement against Globalism, Communism and Progressive Insanity in the best, most positive way possible. NOTE: Your comments and posts may become news.