A lot of guys seem to base their opinions on Donald Trump and what he has done or is doing... and by being Q+, DJT is the main part of Q....
To think that and still follow Q is a fundamental misunderstanding of Q and what Q has posted....
The Q team is an extension of a pre-Trump strategy.... of course, there’s no doubt that DJT is aware of Q and the team or certainly members of it....
But THE PLAN as we follow it from the beginning of Q, has very little to do with President Trump... though he did facilitate particular parts of that PLAN.. no doubt for me anyway..
You might call him a figurehead, but this whole PLAN is not dependent on DJT and in all likelihood DJT probably only knows part of that plan... in terms of an overview but not in terms of running it or THE PLAN..
To make such a link is missing the majority of what Q has posted in respect of THE PLAN...
PS Apologies for the caps lock on THE PLAN... I am hoping by doing so that anyone reading this will understand that there has only ever been one PLAN.... it hasn’t changed it is still on course (until proven otherwise) but to think that President Trump being out of office is a failure of THE PLAN.... it is not... not by a long shot.... indeed just thinking about it logically and specifically in respect to the presidential election there were a 101 ways that DJT could have fought and fought much harder than he did to suggest this is by ANY MEANS over..
the goal posts of Q, as i understand it, were not to simply have a 2nd trump term but to awaken people and topple the deep state. there was no set date.
Fighting the deep state will ALWAYS be a mission. For all of human existence, there will be evil attempting to consolidate power, wealth, and control. It can never be fully toppled. As it stands right now, our cause has taken a major blow. Yes we continue to fight, to encourage each other and try to shine the light on truth. But our situation now is a bleak one. Everyone's focus should not be on waiting for Q or rationalizing how days can actually = minutes (which sounds to me like liberal 2+2=5 bullshit). The focus should be on ourselves, our resolve, and those we know who can start to see truth in the world of deceit.
sounds like another comment i made today:
don't forget what this awakening has brought about. one man stood against the system. you are also one man.
what can you do to stand up and be heard?
what abilities do you possess?
what can you do and continue to do to work against the DS?
be a leader in your own right. be a patriot.
No, there is no Deep State! Q & Trump have you believing they’re fighting the good fight...just not true! They are only fighting for their own self preservation & could give 2 shits about anyone else.
Ah yes, Biden is in it for the little guy. Kamala too, she’s in it for the little guy she put in jail for smoking weed.
No.. They were the leftover trash we got bc of Pelosi and the democratic party. They decide who gets funding and can get the backing of the party. It's because of the supreme court decision in Citizens United. If you literally knew ANYTHING about actual laws and details surrounding the issues of the country you might have known that. Lobbyists and the billionaires/ corporations are the scum of this country. They're paying nothing to society in form of taxes so the people make up the difference. Then the government which is made up of people that amazon funded their campaign create laws to subsidize their building of factories so Bezos' bitch ass can add another billion to his bank while we all have 0 raises or workers rights. Unions are being destroyed and you idiots are worried about imaginary demons and aliens running the world while eating babies or whatever. It really is insane.
Ah yes I see, so the lesser of two evils approach.
that's a good amount of assumptions.
I'll wait to see what happens.
God is still in control.
if god was in control why would demonic pedophiles run the world and the biggest military and biggest economy in the history of humanity.. o.o
ever read the last book of the Bible?
How weak is this god? Maybe worship a more powerful god that can actually do something? Is there one?