A lot of guys seem to base their opinions on Donald Trump and what he has done or is doing... and by being Q+, DJT is the main part of Q....
To think that and still follow Q is a fundamental misunderstanding of Q and what Q has posted....
The Q team is an extension of a pre-Trump strategy.... of course, there’s no doubt that DJT is aware of Q and the team or certainly members of it....
But THE PLAN as we follow it from the beginning of Q, has very little to do with President Trump... though he did facilitate particular parts of that PLAN.. no doubt for me anyway..
You might call him a figurehead, but this whole PLAN is not dependent on DJT and in all likelihood DJT probably only knows part of that plan... in terms of an overview but not in terms of running it or THE PLAN..
To make such a link is missing the majority of what Q has posted in respect of THE PLAN...
PS Apologies for the caps lock on THE PLAN... I am hoping by doing so that anyone reading this will understand that there has only ever been one PLAN.... it hasn’t changed it is still on course (until proven otherwise) but to think that President Trump being out of office is a failure of THE PLAN.... it is not... not by a long shot.... indeed just thinking about it logically and specifically in respect to the presidential election there were a 101 ways that DJT could have fought and fought much harder than he did to suggest this is by ANY MEANS over..
Then what happens if in say 2023 or 2024 the prophecies haven't come true? I honestly don't know where that leaves me among my family and friends, so I either have to pick a timeline and admit defeat if it's off the mark (lol) or move the goalposts far enough out to keep the faith.
I do think I agree with 2032 with being too far but 2027 is likely within the realm of plausibility imho.
2022 if Trump establishes Patriot party and starts to win House/Senate seats. 2032 is silly. Q has a secret Plan involving Trump, who will be in office for only 4 years and it won’t come to fruition until 15 years later? Now would be a good time to make inroads with family/friends
I hear u about the friends but it's probably too late with them. They don't even think Biden is a pedophile.
Also why is 2022 so much more reasonable? It's just moving the goalposts much closer than I am to hold out more hope for a shorter period of time. What will you do (not attacking you) if nothing happens by 2022?
I think at this point it's equally likely that Trump doesn't care about us/this at all, but if I am sticking with my guns I am in it for the long haul.
Be well.