A lot of guys seem to base their opinions on Donald Trump and what he has done or is doing... and by being Q+, DJT is the main part of Q....
To think that and still follow Q is a fundamental misunderstanding of Q and what Q has posted....
The Q team is an extension of a pre-Trump strategy.... of course, there’s no doubt that DJT is aware of Q and the team or certainly members of it....
But THE PLAN as we follow it from the beginning of Q, has very little to do with President Trump... though he did facilitate particular parts of that PLAN.. no doubt for me anyway..
You might call him a figurehead, but this whole PLAN is not dependent on DJT and in all likelihood DJT probably only knows part of that plan... in terms of an overview but not in terms of running it or THE PLAN..
To make such a link is missing the majority of what Q has posted in respect of THE PLAN...
PS Apologies for the caps lock on THE PLAN... I am hoping by doing so that anyone reading this will understand that there has only ever been one PLAN.... it hasn’t changed it is still on course (until proven otherwise) but to think that President Trump being out of office is a failure of THE PLAN.... it is not... not by a long shot.... indeed just thinking about it logically and specifically in respect to the presidential election there were a 101 ways that DJT could have fought and fought much harder than he did to suggest this is by ANY MEANS over..
1-5%? I think that is a massive understatement, & i doubt I'm alone in that thought.
&, imho, most service members (even enlisted) are not on the 'left' (i was one myself). People that sign up to wear a uniform are often times God fearing patriotic Americans - that sentiment flies in the face of everything the 'left' stands for... Imho, it's more likely that officers would be 'left-leaning', as they are college graduates & past a certain level their appointment requires congressional approval. Don Jr just today released a video discussing the support his father had within the ranks, so i guess he is wrong as well? Ending wars, fixing VA (with high approval ratings), rebuilding the military - these really sound like actions that would foment angst amongst the ranks /s.
Riiight, I'm the one disconnected from reality when you think polls are only off by 1-5%. They fake polls & then fix votes - one cannot use two corrupted data points to corroborate one another. You're suspect, two day old handshake account...you will not shake my resolve nor I yours. Best of luck.
Edit: & yes, the left that promotes atheism & condones burning Old Glory does represent an ideology that flies in the face of patriotism & love of God.
Well, here is florida where you were wrong: Actual - Trump 51.2% (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/florida-results) Poll on 11/2 - Trump 46% (https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/presidential-polls/florida)
That's over 5% by my math... 'They are not up for debate' - because you cherry-picked them to fit your narrative? If you think polls are not just as/more rigged than the votes, you must be new here. & if you do not understand the purpose behind rigging a poll to provide substantiation for fraudulent voting results, i cant help you see the light.
Best of luck to you, im guessing you're lib infiltrator & will have a difficult few weeks ahead of you. & I don't condone feeding the trolls, so best of luck & no need to reply.