If you are like me you've found yourself disappointed, I'm not giving up, I'm not shilling, but it's hard to wait for something you want, especially something this big.
So I've been doing some digging. I honestly don't think anything big will happen until DURHAM wraps up his investigation. Q has mentioned durham so many times. Then we found out in Dec that Barr made durham a special counsel back in October. This means he basically has unlimited reach, just like that POS Robert Mueller!
Hold out with me anons I honestly feel like DURHAM is what we are waiting on. Once he wraps up his investigation it's on!!!
My encouragement, give credit to the restoration of the Republic to God, right now, even though it seems dark. God used men to form this Republic, most likely, men will be used to bring it back.
That puts much work on each of us, hold the line, and prepare to take ground. WE MUST BE INVOLVED from this day forward, local elections, school boards, city meetings, all of it. When we get it back, thank God and pray for strength and wisdom on what to do to keep the Republic.
<<Protect Special Council>> Right, Graham?