redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

This ticket sucks ......

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a total break from what we are used to seeing, and expect to happen.

These are datapoints, appearances of events with a deeper background.

redtoe-skipper 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am wondering .....

The naming of the pics is not really I recognize from the Q posts. And, even more, I can;t even remember having seen that particular pic.

So, when I go over to qagg.news ##1827, I see the familiar Deadpool cinema scene. So, I checked the fullimages.zip I downloaded from the website qagg.news years ago, And there is a file there with clinton in the name, but is does have nothing to do with the pics you show.

Now true, it is very applicable and funny. But it seem to me, something is off. Did you create it yourself?

redtoe-skipper 9 points ago +9 / -0


I wrote this:

Deagle is a peculiar website. On voat there is some investigation done as to where it leads....

To a non-descript place in either Barcelona or Valencia

It is not a source that can be corroborated, and neither can the data they put out.

What is interesting is that up until the 2016 election and in 2017, they put out revised population projections.

Take it for what it is....


redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0


Go here @ 1:08 into the cspan movie. It is about the Iranian regime claiming that Israel is just a tool but that the real war is with America. They had send death squads to kill Bolton and another high ranking figure.

But, Nethanyahu says, seemingly quoting from Hisballah sources: in order to really challenge the US it must conquer the Middle East.

Of course, there is only one conclusion. Israel, a democracy, stands proudly in the way of executing such a plot.

When I reread the sentence on TS, It seems to me there is made a translation of what Nethanyahu actually is saying.

IT is interesting to listen to the son of the former Emperor of Iran: Palehvi, talking about what the Iranian people really want: an honest partner ship. And they themselves will do away with the regime. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Ujt3St6coNM


So, there are a couple of diverging things being said. And the BIBI visit to Trump is gonna be interesting. It would not be the first time BIBI gets to hear something that is unpleasant. And this theater he is pulling, ..... rather shows a Biden policy commonality than a commonality with Trump.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coup d'eta

It's " Coup d' etat" (French) StaatStreich (German) or simply put: treason and waging war against the US, oath breaking

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumping ground.

Heelsup Harris in the pro-stitute position.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could that be because of the fact that Indian Nations are considered not a State of the US but rather sovereign states dependent on and outside of the US?

We are talking the corporation here.

I guess this will be settled when, what Douglas Macgregor indicates, a new republic will/must be established with the bill of Rights as the cornerstone. After all, the Corporation is a thing of the past. And the compact was broken long ago. And the Declaration establishes the right of the people to institute new safeguards .... Not just as amendments to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES but a Constitution for the united States.

redtoe-skipper 6 points ago +6 / -0

Congrats, Lordnigel. Thanks for your sober approach.

Given the emotional dimensions, it is not easy to have a logical discussion on this topic. And in a way, it is an intellectual exercise, as we have the same matters to go on as anyone else.

I think your approach needs some tweaking.

Under what circumstances would you not need to put Corey through the witness protection program?

The answer is: when he is really dead.

Under what circumstances can such a sacrifice be asked for? Who then, is he really? What makes Corey that guy? Was he, Corey, the actual target, hidden within a botched event?

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well actually:

  1. con = with
  2. te = you
  3. partiro = I leave ../ depart

I think not.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

What if Kamala is proven to be a traitor .....

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

The reason is the new airplane fuel. Very green. And just like electric cars .... miles may vary.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would it be a mistake.

Who somebody becomes is a totally different matter. And, further, money is the grease that helps in settling things.

The interesting thought jump these people make is attaching a moral value to the kneepad heelsup Harris. Politics is business.

Why would a business transaction 13 years ago be of import?

You bought something from Microsoft! Then Bill Gates must be not at all bad

redtoe-skipper 9 points ago +9 / -0

For every fake Biden Voter: 1 Fake dollar called Federal Reserve Note. Quite fitting.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

although the flags have 3x3 bluefield and 1:1.5 dimensions of the canvas. Not Title 4 USC 1,2,3.

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

He looks very ill with Covid-19 indeed. ....

I like his face-mask ....and the rod he holds to measure 6 feet distance. Especially, esthetic is the bottle with alcohol to incessantly practice hygiene.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are basically given your own answer.

We have, I think, 2 options:

  1. Control
  2. lack of control.

When we analyze both positions, we should be able to determine the likelihood of both positions.

What does control look like?

Here is a Q post to consider: u/#q1800

Reflect on this for a moment.

Checkers-thoughts are linear. Chess-thoughts are much more complicated. The twists and turns devised by chess players are bind bending. "5D" Chess is a term often used in comments.

Let' s consider Q-4700. And when you read, try, instead of focusing on the results, to establish the type of mind needed to pull this off:


What does stand out to you?

This brings me to a very important question: how do you spring a trap?

Here' s a pointer: Q-2300


How do you read? (See also 2381). Of course these posts do not answer your questions directly. Rather, the way these posts are designed circumvent national security prohibitions.

So, why the Q-posts in the first place, and the Q-movement in the second? The line of questions awaken us to something else, to look deeper into the movements we see on stage and derive deeper meaning from it.


How do you read? Did you notice: biblical? There are several matters that can be derived from the bible:

  1. historic.
  2. miraculous
  3. moral
  4. amusement
  5. conspiratorial
  6. fill in the blank.

When you reflect on the RNC convention, you clearly see a biblical dimension to it, especially when that pastor from Milwaukee came on stage, riling up the people. The "miracle" angle is milked. It must be divine intervention, yes?

For your entertainment: whatch the movie: "Now you see me". O yes, magical it is. But it is all based on the illusion. The closer you watch, the less you see. Theatrics, optics. It has to look legit, right?

How did Q call it? altitude? u/#q144

If 80% is non-public, is what you see just 20%? If you base your conclusions on the 20%, do you arrive at the right spot? So, how can we look behind the veil?

Once again, I will pose the question: if optics need to make an event look legit: how do you spring a trap?

If chatter is received, how do you make sure, the USSS acts appropriately? Appropriate to what standard? The optics? Or something else?

Let' s assume for a moment, the optics you saw, are the actual thing going on. Then how did the USSS act appropriately? Isn't it clear from the Cheatl hearing this optic of appropriate is rather inappropriate?

Let' s assume for a moment that this event had to play out, the way it did, to achieve several objectives.

  1. riled up base
  2. people moving away from dem party.
  3. panic in DC
  4. destruction of the old guard
  5. not interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying itself.

on the topic of assassination, this has been the theme throughout. Research the term assassination in the Q-posts. Here is an example: u/#q586.

The first line jumps out, especially given the fact that Crooks phone was pinged in DC ...

Now, consider Q-28. Q responds to a poster on /pol with this: Well done picture being painted. This means, we need to take the narrative pictured in this post and isolate the means and methods for control. u/#q28

If infiltrated by only observers, can you activate operators?


Even more intriguing. We have Q, we have Q+ and we have Q0. u/#q2564

So, our attention is drawn to Las Vegas event, while operators are active: u/#q111

So, what does this all tell us: a counter infiltration requires deep cover operatives to act at a moments notice, to foil a plot. And, operators are paying with their lives for it. The willingness to do so, is a testament of the biblical nature of it. Reflect on these words:


However, this stands in context. The character is clearly delineated here. Interestingly, the Gospel of John, to which Q point our attention, also contains the words of Caiaphas: it is in the interest of our Nation, one man to sacrifice his life. And: I command you to love each other, like I have loved you. And, No one has greater love than he who gives his life for others.

You can see the pattern. Q then applies this to" Love of Country". The willingness to put yourself into harm, carrying that cross, apply this to the events you saw unfolding. Although a theater, it is not a game.

How do you spring a trap?

I know, I have not given you the answer, for I can't. You have to see it for yourself.

And this brings me to the final piece:

What makes a good movie? It has to look legit, right?

I started out with saying, you are answering your own question.

it does not look that way

Indeed, only from a certain perspective. Only from a certain altitude. As is said in "the Matrix":

take the blue pill, and you belief, whatever you want to belief. Take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.

And this may be even more to our disadvantage. Our personal disposition.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

interesting you would say this, without going into the matter of What this FALCON-SENSOR PROCESS is all about.

And guess what, desktops ain't running that Crowdstrike shit.

If you worry about it and you are running windooooz destop:

"C:\Program Files\CrowdStrike\CSSensorSettings.exe" –version

On linux:

sudo /opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -g --version

or if you so which systemctl the fucker.

However, on linux, this is not shipped by default. You really would have to download it and install it.

So why is it a question regarding DEBIAN-style distro' s coming from RED HAT? Because, many if not most internet servers run a linux distro, and some people are running the crowsstrike FALCON-SENSOR shit.

goto: https://www.crowdstrike.de/produkte/faq/ copy past the answer in any translator. It is easy to see how this is not a single end-user product.

Falcon is a platform developed by CrowdStrike with the aim of stopping security incidents using cloud-based, unified technologies. All types of attacks - including malware. Today's highly sophisticated attackers are not only using more malware to harm organizations, but increasingly exploits, zero-day attacks and hard-to-detect methods such as identity theft and tools that are part of the victim's environment or operating system, such as PowerShell. CrowdStrike Falcon responds to these challenges with a powerful yet lightweight solution. It combines next-generation antivirus (NGAV), endpoint detection and response (EDR), managed threat hunting and security hygiene - all in a small, streamlined sensor that is managed and deployed in the cloud.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

So, before we get our panties in a twist over Linux being secure or not, or that windows is just a gaming pc, this fucker Crowdstrike has no direct relationship with the box you are running, lest you installed it yourself.

That said: in terms of "vulnerability", which means how to HURT a system, for most people, being the simple end user, barely knowing how to swipe right, ignorant of the intrinsic beauty of device communication, you can have a secure as FORT KNOX system, but in the end, it is human behavior that breaks everything, and it need not be a Mission Impossible at all.

There is something like: cost benefit ratio. So phising and clicking on links/ downloading and opening macro-enabled files, without certifying those is the biggest risk. Then comes porn.

So, the moral lesson of today: learn to code.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be more precise: Elon Musk' s internet ....


redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a beautiful topic and thread as it showcases how little people known their own fucking constitutional documents. They 'd rather read the opinion of the BAR on this, or remain not nescient, but ignorant.

So, thank you.

But fact remains: these documents were written so plainly, that no confusion remains, lest one forgets to read with comprehension.

And what do you know: reading ability has been declining thanks to .gov meddling in the education system and the relentless democrats onslaught on constitutional provisions. One can wonder as to why that is. Quite convenient.

And then people like: Ted Cruz, Kamala Harris, Hussein Renegade, running for office of the President.

As often is said: "what do these people not comprehend when the C says: shall not be infringed, or Congress shall make no law .... or all rights reserved to the people.

Nervous Nancy Piglosy said it nicely: The Constitution is an old rag.

So, before, reading other people' s opinion, read the docs for yourself, reflect on it. Also, look at the quality of the Amendments post the 13th.

Then, download from archive org: Encyclopedia-Brittanica-1771

And then if you have any questions regarding the meaning of a word: look it up there. Then you have an idea about the meaning then, in 1791.

The next step is to download the Black' s law Dictionary. issue 1, 2 , 3, or 4.

Lookup the words.

It is seductive to look back. It is harder to ingrain the ideas of 1776 and then look with that lens to today.

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