posted ago by Trumpede ago by Trumpede +18 / -0

Bear with me, I'm new around these parts. So, I'm trying to understand what TGA thinks about the military presence in DC. I was half-way onboard the train that said that they were there to arrest everyone during the illegitimate inauguration. We know that didn't happen. I'm still half-way onboard the idea that the government is now handed off to the military, but what signs can we see or are we waiting for that verify that that's the case? And in what timeframe?

Side note... I've been watching Simon Parkes the last 2 or 3 weeks just out of curiosity. I think he's a nut job, but he does regurgitate some of what I see spoken about here. In his latest vlog on BitChute, though, he said that his "sources" say that the military arrests didn't happen because something went very wrong. He said his "sources" now say it may be March or April before another attempt is made to dethrone Biden. That would imply the military will remain in DC that long... or something. It just doesn't add up for me, it feels like he's just moving the goal posts to string his audience along, which is why I don't take the guy too seriously.