I am a hard working patriot and will be spending my day off deporting Biden's Pedo, gender confused followers.
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They're not gender confused. They're schizophrenic, delusional and need serious help.
What the left is doing with and to those people is truly a bottomless evil.
^^This. Gender confusion was, previously, a psychological disorder, as it should be. There are two genders--that's science, no matter what Bill Nye the idiot guy wants to say now (love how they removed his previous video stating just that).
It's XX or XY and that is a fact. I'm sick of these people claiming they're female one day and male the next. The bottom line is that they took gender roles (typical female role and typical male roles), got their panties in a wad over it and created all these different genders so they would feel special. Not fitting into an historical male or female gender role does not mean you aren't that gender--it simply means you don't choose to live your life locked into that role.
These morons have taken that idea on gone completely insane with it. Now, instead of having a very small percentage of people suffering from a psychological disorder wherein they truly feel as though they are the wrong sex, it's a fad and millennials think they're so unique that they can design their own gender (what you're doing is defining personality, fucktards, and everyone's is different and we don't need labels for it based on gender!)
The left took this idiocy and ran with it, using it as a way to further disrupt people's psychological health, enslave them to the system ("Only we can save you from those horrible bigots that don't believe you have the right to use 'empress' as your pronoun!"), and decrease the population through a combination of decreased reproduction (if everyone is homosexual, and all women hate men, they won't reproduce) and suicidal tendencies (when crazy people don't get help, even if they were driven crazy due to cognitive dissonance forced on them by society, they tend to do this). Parents are feeding into it, too. Every time I see some idiot say their 5-year-old should start the process to move to the other sex, I'd like someone to take their kid away from them and banish them from society--it's child abuse, pure and simple.
Sorry for the rant, but this is one of those topics that gets my ire up.
Yes, they are called hermaphrodites. And they are exceedingly rare.
But that's okay, go back and live in your fantasy land where you can spout bullshit "science" while pretending you're special and everyone will fawn over you. But don't look for it from me because I prefer not to indulge insanity.
This is how insanely stupid they're I put Depot in the headline and they willingly come to get deported.