I hate to be the one who has to break this to you (I know it's hard when you first find out) but :
That's from ~2001 on the UN's own website. So what you see happening right now across the west was planned.
And replacing a native population in this way falls under the UN's own definition of genocide (UN resolution 96 article 2) : https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf
Here's corroboration from the Royal Society : https://europepmc.org/article/med/12028794
Quote :
"(d) Ethnic replacement...Fertility levels of immigrant populations are usually higher than those of Western host populations...In the long term, the minority will become the majority in a country if there remains even one region in which the proportion of the minority continues to increase through immigration and/or higher birth rates" (Steinmann & Jager 1997)
Then add this to the mix : https://imgur.com/a/nMgnynk
Here's a fun fact : there are now more Muslims in Britain than there are Welsh people.
Source 2 https://www.ukpopulation.org/wales-population/
Still not convinced? Try this :
(original source URL on the UK government's website is at the bottom of the pic) Only 66.1% of primary school children in England are "white British" (ie. native). And that 66.1% is falling by 1% PER YEAR (this will accelerate as those children grow up and have children of their own... or not). I always tell people one simple thing to get them started :
"Google 'UN replacement migration'".
Once you see it for yourself on the UN's own website you can't un-see it.
This is why we voted, overwhelmingly, for Trump. And why we are called “racist.”
Check out the UNs “Strong Cities” infiltration of control in the US. Reflect of the “sustainable development goals in Agenda 21, now Agenda 30.