I found the following comments on another post, but they are so dang spot on I just had to share. My apologies to the commenters, but they put the grin back on my face big time!!
From rolandkhan:
Wait until somebody more informed can speak on more details as my understanding is still a bit limited.
From what I can gather, and actually I'd implore you to read the relevant parts of the DoD Law of War Manual (https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD%20Law%20of%20War%20Manual%20-%20June%202015%20Updated%20Dec%202016.pdf?ver=2016-12-13-172036-190 ), and the crumbs we got from Q were 11.3 and 11.4 (find these in the manual) I believe, we weren't always sure what those were in reference to, naturally we mostly assumed it was a date (November 3rd, election day) but that wasn't it. That link to the DoD Manual, search for and read section 11 (11.2, 11.3, 11.6, etc).
It's all in reference to an occupying force/occupied territory. What is DC right now? DC technically is a city-state, just like the Vatican and City of London, a territory of its own outside the jurisdiction of the country it resides in.
Trump moved in his loyal military right before leaving. Biden was inaugurated illegitimately, giving an enemy authority over the territory, making it officially considered "occupied territory." Only now our own military has DC occupied, so which way it goes technically I'm unsure, but what I do know, is that there most certainly is something to all of this.
Hopefully, somebody else can explain more as to what all this really entails but that's the gist to the best of my recollection.
From Lapstrake:
There is no evidence that all these people are under arrest, but it is a theory that fits the following observations.
It explains why Trump asked us to DC (peaceably), then the bizarre 'riot', justification for prison fences and military. I never understood what the point of Trump's actions were but now it makes sense.
Explains why Pentagon refused Intel briefings for Biden transition team.
Explains why 2300 US Marshals were deputized when there is no threat. Nobody going to DC. No full planes. No booked hotel rooms.
Bizarre picture of Biden working at a food bank within 48? hours of becoming POTUS.
Utterly bizarre speech. Joe Biden crying and talking about his own death to the 'State of Delaware' in a bizarre farewell on the night before he becomes POTUS. Did Biden also give a tearful goodbye to Delaware in 2009 when he left to become VP?
The bizarre set up for the inauguration with flags instead of people. Utterly weird and surreal.
The President not attending, taking the Nuclear Football with him against custom.
The somber Inauguration. No cheering. It was like a calling hours. It should have been a celebration.
Video of somebody looking a lot like Trump walking behind the oval office while Biden records his signing of EOs. That person turns their head, but is the exact body shape and odd gain of my favorite President.
Supreme Court Bomb Scare during Inauguration.
Justice Thomas not attending Inauguration
Jimmy Carter not attending inauguration.
I believe that Donald J. Trump was sworn in at the Supreme Court by now Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, while Biden was doing his fake inauguration on the Capitol steps. It explains all 12 items above. Some of the above items are very odd, others not so much. But it is all consistent.
And my personal fave, from PaintingTruth17:
RELAX - a plan has been in place well before Trump. What we are seeing is part of the plan.
A different perspective. First off people seem to forget we are ahead of the curve here. With the gift of vision comes the need to have patience. This is not about us, as we are somewhat in the know. Do most Americans know what we know ? No.
So start thinking in terms of what the average citizen's state of mind is. The goal is to have as many citizens as possible in a frame of mind to accept and even begging for Military action. Some of these states include anger, fear, panic, despair, etc. Sounds cruel, but " IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY ". What is really cruel is what the NWO would have done to us under killary.
Most people have no idea what the loss of freedom actually feels like, even when trying to envision it. However once it happens, people will NEVER forget it. Trump has said we can NEVER ALLOW this to ever happen again. He was not only talking about the coup.
If lessons are taught good enough, they will NEVER be forgotten. I was uninterested in & never saw a need for geography when I was young, but my teacher somehow made me love it, and all of his teachings I still easily remember to this day.
Ask yourself why Trump never repealed Smith Mundt Act which allows propaganda to be used against America citizens. Could it be it is still being used on us to this day, but in a good way. As in Red Pilling people and reversing years of indoctrination, brainwashing, conditioning, and to reeducate the citizenry about Civics, The Constitution, Our Rights, etc. What else could make people UNDERSTAND why America is so damn special, important, and how easily it can be lost forever.
Some of us are in shock. I get it, but try to stop acting on your feels as they are likely a bit inaccurate right now, which is to be expected with the lack on actual intel. Try to realize that possibly this shit is so big that we cannot really comprehend everything at this time, and that is exactly how it is supposed to be. Trust the Plan was said many times for a reason and I hold faith that everything we are seeing is indeed just that. No good General telegraphs his plans anyway.
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light " - Q. People are doing that right now.
" What makes a good movie ? " - Good actors.
" The end won't be for everyone " - also Q. That means those of us that already know are not bothered by this biden resident shit show, because it's just that - a show.
This is for normies, sheep, and libs. Let them have their Biden residency as it will only be a very short time.
I hope this helps ( passes beer and popcorn ).
“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”
Art of War