I saw some very strange happenings in my neck of the middle of nowhere USA woods. Only thing is, I'm entirely oblivious to the inner workings of all things airplane.
I have pictures, video, and with timestamps and location of two big jets flying low and directly on top each other over flyover country. Does anyone have any way to track what the heck I saw?
Edit: I forgot to mention, it stuck out to me for a couple reasons, for one I never see stuff like that out here and two, it was 20 minutes after the inauguration.
I saw some very strange happenings in my neck of the middle of nowhere USA woods. Only thing is, I'm entirely oblivious to the inner workings of all things airplane.
I have pictures, video, and with timestamps and location of two big jets flying low and directly on top each other over flyover country. Does anyone have any way to track what the heck I saw?
Edit: I forgot to mention, it stuck out to me for a couple reasons, for one I never see stuff like that out here and two, it was 20 minutes after the inauguration.