posted ago by EagleEye ago by EagleEye +25 / -1

I was reading through posts with 'mirror' and posts with 'biden'... Pictures are mirrors, future proves past, pictures of Hunter, laptop, future (POTUS) proves past?

Why would he? Guilt, shame, revenge? Victims of child abuse often become abusers, put an end to this all?

I may be crazy and totally off, but found it interesting to think about and wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on this?

Is Joe a part of the plan? Why is Joe 'proud' of Hunter? Father's love knows no bounds... Tell me am I crazy? Is it possible?

Was Joe Biden (specifically) becoming "POTUS" the plane all along?

Edit: No hate please! It just popped into my head and ran with it for a second. Thought it was interesting, and wanted opinions. Not a shill, I promise!

Edit 2: Thank you for humoring me, I appreciate the back and forth, ideas!