"The tale of “Washington’s Vision” was penned by Charles Wesley Alexander (1836-1927), a Philadelphia journalist who published The Soldier’s Casket, a periodical for Union veterans of the Civil War. Writing under the pseudonym “Wesley Bradshaw,” Alexander authored several fictional “vision” or “dream” pieces featuring historic American figures which were published as broadsheets and in various newspapers during the Civil War and were later offered for sale through advertisements in the pages of The Soldier’s Casket" That's from Snopes. I admit I haven't researched more than that, but an extraordinary claim such as Washington's vision needs strong evidence to be believed.
Snopes is paid CCP propaganda. The owner of Snopes went on a cocaine fueled hooker traveling spree with company funds a while ago. The fact you quote Snopes on anything tells me you should probably not post again...
Debunked. Was written by a journalist for sale to magazines. It's fiction.
You can’t debunk without sauce
"The tale of “Washington’s Vision” was penned by Charles Wesley Alexander (1836-1927), a Philadelphia journalist who published The Soldier’s Casket, a periodical for Union veterans of the Civil War. Writing under the pseudonym “Wesley Bradshaw,” Alexander authored several fictional “vision” or “dream” pieces featuring historic American figures which were published as broadsheets and in various newspapers during the Civil War and were later offered for sale through advertisements in the pages of The Soldier’s Casket" That's from Snopes. I admit I haven't researched more than that, but an extraordinary claim such as Washington's vision needs strong evidence to be believed.
Snopes is paid CCP propaganda. The owner of Snopes went on a cocaine fueled hooker traveling spree with company funds a while ago. The fact you quote Snopes on anything tells me you should probably not post again...