posted ago by mizzAmerica45 ago by mizzAmerica45 +15 / -2

I have absolutely no idea whether they're blank or not.

BUT I do have to say this....IF Biden did in fact sign EOs, I can guarantee you he had no clue in what he was even signing. That is dangerous because you can have a group of unhinged, radical progressives telling Biden what to sign, support, etc, without getting blamed. If something bad happens or it puts a threat on Americans, they can just pass it off as, 'Oh, it was an accident, Biden's demented, incompetent'...or whatever excuse, and have him removed.

They're doing to Biden what they did with Ruth Ginsburg, as incompetent and incoherent as she was, and having her sign off on stuff......as if she had any clue.? The same thing is happening!