A nice history lesson on GOLD FRINGE FLAGS.
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Myth 11:
The 50 star flag itself without the gold tassels, braids or other attachments is the proper flag of our nation:
The fifty star flag was introduced by Corp. U.S. as the flag of the nation in the 1950s to recognize the entry of private corporations known as THE STATE OF ALASKA and THE STATE OF HAWAII into the corporate union (Corp. US) of STATE OF 'X' corporations. It could not have been issued as a result of the Alaska and Hawaii Territories entering the Union of States of the United States of America because from the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement forward Corp. U.S. was privately owned by a foreign power with a conflict of interest limiting it from issuing an Enabling Act that could allow a State to form.
Further, there was no President of the United States of America then seated in the original jurisdiction government seat, whose signature is necessary to sign any valid Enabling Act for those territories to become such States. Further, there was no original jurisdiction national Congress seated at that time to generate such necessary Enabling Acts.
Therefore, there are to this day only 48 States in the Union of States of the United States of America and the proper flag of our nation has only 48 stars on its jack.
The 50 star flag is the proper flag of the President of Corp. U.S. and is properly used in his capacity as the Commander in Chief of the military forces of the United States of America, which are an original jurisdiction government body but they stand today under the assignment of Lincoln's martial law as the enforcers of that martial law, whose business needs are dictatorially controlled by Corp. U.S.’ President.