Yea, now it’s like trying to have a MAGA conversation with my brainwashed mother, although today she expressed some fear about what such a quiet Trump may be up to. It’s the first time I see that look. She actually asked me to tell her what was going on. I told her I was tired of her interruptions and mockery and that time would show her everything. But she was wide open, waiting for something to grab on to, so I briefly told her about Law of War 11.3
Trump will be back soon and when he has to explain why, we will finally see how bad it really was. Not just politics and power. Murder, torture, pedophilia, Satan, the theft of Nations.
Yea, now it’s like trying to have a MAGA conversation with my brainwashed mother, although today she expressed some fear about what such a quiet Trump may be up to. It’s the first time I see that look. She actually asked me to tell her what was going on. I told her I was tired of her interruptions and mockery and that time would show her everything. But she was wide open, waiting for something to grab on to, so I briefly told her about Law of War 11.3
Maybe show your daughter this short video from Joe M:
I made my 16 year old son watch Fall of the Cabal. It’s a bumpy ride for the yoots, not for the faint of heart.
Trump will be back soon and when he has to explain why, we will finally see how bad it really was. Not just politics and power. Murder, torture, pedophilia, Satan, the theft of Nations.