I saw a video with music on it shot from the motorcade, yesterday as trump was greeted with many supporters in Florida. I could clearly see the license plate numbers on one of the vehicles in the motorcade. One car had the number 800-002 or 800=002 the symbol between them was blurry, it was the only plate I could make out for sure. I ran a search for post # 800 and # 002 and got some thought provoking results.
I’m relatively new at this but i think I am on to something and would like some feed back from more seasoned q researchers, maybe one of you can help find the video in question or a video/ photo of the rear license plate numbers. I wanted to say something yesterday but didn’t because I thought if I saw it one of you might have as well and would have already posted about it.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Q post 2 - Probably old news, but...
Mockingbird - Operation Mockingbird - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbirdhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird
Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.. According to author Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the operations of front groups.