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Daily Bible Verse: John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
That makes sense enough. In considering it myself, I was thinking that, as "HopiumPlease" sort of suggested, the operation is supposed to be foolproof to a certain extent, allowing for the uniparty and their allies to have been more or less aware of it the entire time, hence the 4 years they've spent trying to label Trump as a fascist dictator.
Could be preemptive efforts so that they can say they were right all along, and justify seeking intervention by the UN & others once Biden is removed and Trump is brought back? It'd be an easy narrative to sell after all they've done. Possibly they were just as convinced as anyone here that Trump did in fact have a plan, and that's the reason for the impeachment effort, along with Pelosi trying to stop the military from obeying Trump?
Could maybe go along with what you're saying. The plan to oust the uniparty is easy enough, but the public support needed for such an action to not completely destabilize the country may be more problematic. It's even possible that Biden fucking at least a few things up now is part of that effort (to get people to realize Biden is a mistake), but I see myself now theorizing the exact stretch in logic people have been joking about - Biden being President as part of the plan. Even so, it almost makes sense. The optics actually matter here.
Entirely guesswork though. Is there an "official" accepted reason by the long time Q researchers?
Honestly I did not know much about QAnon until this year.. Hopefully someone who's been a long time follower can weigh in on this though because I'd love to know.
Maybe the first set of "goalposts" for Q was finding a candidate they could trust, ie Trump, that they knew could get into office and get the ball rolling on this plan and not be distracted by the traditional career politician bullshit. At that moment, it went from being a digital operation to a very real, political movement. In order to make it possible after he was elected, they needed strong opposition to Trump, they needed a counter-op (being the media trashing DJT for 4 years) to let their operation move forward. Rabid hatred from the libs to get them so brainwashed that they'd elect a frail old pedophile with fucked up family dynamics. Trump agreed to be a punching bag for the media and every dumbass liberal out there for the sake of this plan
Again speculation, but it makes sense I think