Ok guys, please do a better job. You post pre-2017 pics of Trumps Oval Office (prior to his redecorating) then get all excited because the wallpaper doesn’t match (Trump changed wallpaper in 2017).
You get all excited because some federal register says there are no Biden EOs. It takes a week or more for EOs to be filed and numbered and published on the website.
You get all excited because NOW an EO shows up, and it turns out to be Trumps from 3 weeks ago.
You post 15 separate posts about the same non-important “breaking news”.
STOP IT - you are better than this. Do a basic search, double check, quit looking like an idiot.
It seems to me since the 20th people lost perspective of the big picture and went back to being narrow minded trying to hold onto whatever is there when in reality we didn't lose anything on the 20th, it should not of changed the way we think, process information, and move forward. No one on here actually knows the finish line so we got to keep pushing forward until we cross the tape, and I'm pretty sure we will all know when we do. Stop having a self pity party, makes you and the agenda look weak.