People shrink w age. Heels won't make that big of a difference. Believe me at 5'1" being my tallest....outside of stilts n platforms from the 70' cant get that much taller
Not true. My sister shrunk 5 inches by the time she was 60, and my mom shrunk 4 inches. (I only lost 1 inch) It's due to compression of the vertebral disks with age, and it depends on how physically active you are.
High heels versus flats..
People shrink w age. Heels won't make that big of a difference. Believe me at 5'1" being my tallest....outside of stilts n platforms from the 70' cant get that much taller
People don't shrink that much with age. They shrink a little but not that much.
Even if she shrank, Slick Willy probably would have shrunk too and they would still be pretty much the same height relative to each other
Not true. My sister shrunk 5 inches by the time she was 60, and my mom shrunk 4 inches. (I only lost 1 inch) It's due to compression of the vertebral disks with age, and it depends on how physically active you are.
Ok but you can't act like that applies for Hillary but doesn't also apply to Bill.
I lost almost 1.5 inches from when I was in HS according to my ortho doc.
I am almost Hillary's age. I am down 1 inch. I am normal.
People do shrink that much; especially when they formerly had good posture.
Other back or spine conditions can make it even worse and at an accelerated rate.