3 B752s departed within minutes of each other. One, with only a hex callsign, returned straight to Andrews AFB. As it returned, a B742 with another hex callsign departed, drew a dick pic, and landed 3 mins before the B752. The B752s represent, excuse me, the cumshot.
I am not seeing it, help me out?
Your response made me crack up ?
A pee pee lol.
3 B752s departed within minutes of each other. One, with only a hex callsign, returned straight to Andrews AFB. As it returned, a B742 with another hex callsign departed, drew a dick pic, and landed 3 mins before the B752. The B752s represent, excuse me, the cumshot.
The most diplomatic explanation of ejaculation I've ever read
Lol, I had to repost it unfortunately with description in title.
Not seeing it but I approve!
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