Perhaps a System of Recall, that requires a Simple, Majority Vote, that is completely auditted, regardless of the outcome, and a New Primary would take place.
With the Politican that is removed from Office, they should be forced to pay a hefty fine, and be barred from holding any Office in the US Government, whether it be Local or National.
There should be a constitutional amendment, bearing repercussions for congress members not representing their constituents.
Perhaps a System of Recall, that requires a Simple, Majority Vote, that is completely auditted, regardless of the outcome, and a New Primary would take place.
With the Politican that is removed from Office, they should be forced to pay a hefty fine, and be barred from holding any Office in the US Government, whether it be Local or National.
As well as being prohibited from any lobbying with government
As long as vote rigging isn't possible.