First, who the hell was that who swore Biden in? She wasn't even a member of SCOTUS, much less the Chief Justice. Does the Chief Justice usually do it just because of precedent or is there something somewhere that says he or another member of SCOTUS has to do it?
Second, regarding the rumors that the broadcast was shown a full 8 hours early in Spain (multiple reports of that so far it seems), I will say this: I was stunned when I turned on my feed to it and it wasn't yet noon and Biden was already delivering his speech post swearing in. I remember thinking at the time how odd that was that they had done it early, even if it was just by a few minutes.
Thoughts on those?
want a third thing you wont be able to shake? google pat us20200258338a1 and read it
I have no idea and don't want to know what "blockchain" tech is.
What I DO know is the only close to secure voting method is paper, pen, and ID.
yes but under guise of CoViD-19 they forced mail in votes or in person votes. How do u prove someone voted only once, when many people were mailed ballots but voted in person.
We have all the bright folks who present hours and hours of evidence on that and more. I just put out my opinion.