Bet you didn't know the IRS is not a US Government Agency!
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But that doesn't stop the courts, the police, and the prison system from behaving as though they are.
Whether or not they're an agency has not helped in argumentation or court. Of course it's true that their own documents say Congress appointed only a commissioner and an organization grew up around him, but that is only a data point in a long history of deception that goes back to the Civil War.
It's good to get all the data points out but bad to act rashly with them. Keep researching the Constitution and the law and communicating what you research, keeping an open mind. Our job for now and indefinitely is to build the network of Constitutional Americans, so no single data point should be taken as a smoking gun; rather, keep accumulating truth until you can contextualize it for those yet unschooled in the Constitution.
uh yeah I have know about the federal-reserve/IRS scam for 20+ years, most people paying attention have.
Yes, we know that.
Neither is CDC, FCC, FTC, NLRB, SEC, and the EPA
Yes sir, for a long time:
1913 was a very bad year indeed:
I knew that. A government institute can not tax the people. Lol
It's actually against the Constitution, yet it was allowed to stay and fester
I don't think the USPS ever claimed to be a Federal agency. They were just presumed to be by everyone, let that rumor take hold, and never corrected anyone...up until they faced bankruptcy and the gov bailed them out. That's when many people realized it was a private business.
So it is OK to open carry in PO
I don't know. My state doesn't have open carry, so I have to keep mine IWB lest I get arrested for "brandishing". Someone who lives in an open carry State can answer this.
I concealed carry in California for decades. Had to pull it twice under bad circumstances. My feeling was that old cliche', I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
I'm in AZ now and I can ride my motorcycle without a helmet and walk into a bank open carrying with no problem. Well, can't go into banks anymore without face diapers, but we used to .