SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

"You should NEVER have to take your money [out] on X"? That's dangerous talk! Bank runs are people power. TMBE: Trust Must Be Earned.

"You should be able to do anything you need on our platform"? Except HODL physically. The only way X can do that is to give you Bitcoin wallets with a password you physically or mentally possess. When they do, those words will be true(r).

SwampRangers 15 points ago +15 / -0

In history, the yellow brick road was the world's gold. Baum since 1900 always intended the "wizard of the gold oz." and W. J. Bryan was an influence on the idea. Maybe Q is saying the wizards and warlocks control the gold now. It used to be that whenever Qaddafi or anyone was conquered we would search the news for the hints of where the gold was moving behind the scenes, and it was always in the bad direction; but nowadays there are hints, starting with the Bitcoin Genesis Block, that it isn't. Sliver hints arise too, differently. I still don't think HUMA is under patriot control, regardless of who runs that account, but maybe the current code is that HR_'s friends are making do without the gold.

When the fall storm comes, I'm all in with y'all, but I will take it in God's direction even if it separates me from others.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Add: James didn't take out anything to my knowledge; he left in all the apocrypha and many questioned passages. In the late 1800s many people took many things out of the original KJV.

Nobody has a perfect copy of the original version, or any component scroll of it, and that's deliberate on God's part. The point is that the Word is holistic enough that our fallible copies are sufficient to convey its message. If a perfect copy continued to exist too long we'd be tempted to idolize the parchment as a Nehushtan.

Since no ancient physical Q document exists, the Q construction merely recapitulates the Thomas pseudepigraph and other data. Did Jesus go to India? Perhaps, but if so it wasn't necessary for the world to know so it wasn't put in the eternal Word. Did Jesus tell a parable about an assassin? Perhaps, but it wasn't necessary to know. But what we have is sufficient. To denigrate the inspired canon and to supplant it with merely human imaginative texts is to commit two errors at once.

SwampRangers 4 points ago +4 / -0

See u/RandomNumber. There is no ancient document that can be called "Q", it's an invented construction believed to have existed and to predate the inspired gospels because critics wanted to use the similarities to explain away the whole book.

There is in fact a tradition that predates the written gospels: it's the oral memory of what Jesus and the Apostles said, and appears in such places as the creed of 1 Cor. 15:3-4. There is one other potential source for this, and it's the passion portion of the Syriac (Aramaic) text of Matthew. But according to Irenaeus and Papias, this, if it was a separate conception, was just Matthew's uninspired draft of the inspired gospel he later wrote. Bible writers are allowed to write drafts before they write the inspired text: Jeremiah did. Is it possible Jesus said things that were written down but didn't make it into the inspired canon? Absolutely! John said so.

So the idea of using some construction to denigrate that which is inspired is the wrong motivation, and that's what most Quelle researchers are doing. If we take the inspired text and its human-authored context as they present themselves, we get an accurate picture without needing to pretend to construct a "superior" or "higher" text. The best course is to show all the variant and supportive readings, not to show fewer and fewer of them.


SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

CFR is not the most important data, the Statutes at Large are, and they are reflected in the US Code, of which Title 26 is the Internal Revenue Code: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26

What is specifically at issue is 26 USC 7701(a)(26), which says:

The term “trade or business” includes the performance of the functions of a public office.

Note that nothing else is included. There's a specific rule in that same section that states, very ambiguously, how inclusion operates, 26 USC 7701(c):

The terms “includes” and “including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.

So the law does not include, and does not exclude, which is what the Supreme Court said when interpreting this rule. Legal construction would indicate then that the only things included are those of the same kind as the examples given (the things "otherwise within the meaning"). You can't include something if there is no indication by a related example that the thing is included. However, you can certainly get millions of people to think something is included in "trade or business" besides the example given.

This is illustrated by several other definitions that work exactly the same way in USC and CFR. Everyone, do your own research.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does u/2ndenthusiast mean that charming First Lord of the Admiralty who presided over the sinking of the RMS Lusitania?

SwampRangers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump also knows the Oscars haven't had "winners" in awhile, they changed the famous line to "And the Oscar goes to". So he's calling everyone's attention to this indirectly. Welcome to the 5D.

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

My link speaks about this conference and denounces misinfo about it. Technically this is a new summary but the summary is that no status has changed. Your link is sympathetic and relatively accurate but in the end it's more guesswork even about the city of sacrifice itself. If you wish to quibble over a specific, be my guest.

SwampRangers 4 points ago +4 / -0

There has been no red heifer news for 6 months, everything published is guesswork right now. One or more heifers will be slaughtered on the prepared altar at a date and time of the owners' choosing. My guess is that this must at least involve (1) formal rabbinical clearance of the Texas origin and the Gentile ownership, which I haven't seen yet; (2) formal rabbinical clearance of one heifer being of age and faultless in color and history, with the sacrificed scheduled before the clearance expires; (3) sufficient security to perform the act, which requires protection against flash-mob risks that might spoil the purity, which seems to require a ceasefire and a formal IDF completion of objectives.

So I said not this month. Now one of the premier red-heifer researchers is Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, who I can attest from experience has been tracking heifers over 7 years. And I found that as of yesterday, he is ticked! He insists, with receipts (CBS), that everyone who is promoting the soon-coming narrative is making it up: exactly as I've been saying. But there is no news about intent or likelihood, there is only continuing speculation about the difficulties such as I outline.

SwampRangers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sign is already torn (lower right). I love anarchs.

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, not the consulate, but a building next to the embassy. No responsibility claimed yet. Somebody's going after infrastructure, and it could be the owners rather than the warmakers.

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt that u/catsfive wants this pinned on 4/1. I could be wrong.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Wheel in the Sky is best described in Syriac Enoch. It honors sun, moon, and Sabbath. Sun, there are 365 days; moon, there are months every 29-30 days; Sabbath, there are uninterrupted weeks. The fourfold and eightfold division of the year exists in Judaism as a tekufah.

The key to understanding is that God is deliberately fuzzy with his numbers so that he can have irrational inserts at his pleasure (e.g. leap years). The teaching numbers are that the year is about 360 days, the month about 30 days, and the week about a quarter-month. Those are the symbolic and accurately rounded numbers. The extra days are then used for all the fun correlations that people find along the way. This means that any calendar that comes close, including the Gregorian, can be honored culturally; but we are to make up for its deficiencies by observation. Since the Gregorian is solar rather than lunisolar, we have a responsibility to track new moons separately.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no evidence that the modern reform ideas, which were globalist failures interrupted by WWII, had any relation to the various calendars used throughout history. You can't just take every odd historical calendar and call it 13:28, because the 13:28 calendar rejects the moon and usually rejects the Sabbath too. For instance, when the Native Americans speak of 13 moons, they mean literally 13 lunar cycles (about 384 days), not 13 28-day cycles (364 days). Can you imagine Natives celebrating a "new moon" when everyone can see the moon is full? They would have been laughed out of the wickiup.

I've been looking at the Essene calendar in particular lately (200 BC - 70 AD). It's possible they experimented with going off the moon, but they worked very hard to retain the Sabbath (a point neglected by modern "reformers"), and the evidence is spotty and can be reconstructed several different ways. There is no 13:28 proposal present in the entire first century AD. You'd be better off espousing the harmony of the pentecontad calendar of seven months of fifty days with two celebratory weeks added, because at least that one existed. Tolkien had a nice imaginary calendar too.

I certainly don't see any advantage to overtly retaining Mars and his idol friends while also espousing a Resurrection celebration that destroys the weekly Sabbath. Sounds syncretist.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apepi (same name) is also the Pharaoh who died in the Red Sea, according to my calculations. And Chaos will be defeated once again.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +3 / -1

What is the Floor MJ dances on, and which cult often uses it in their architecture?

The checker mason floor...

Came here to say that. Also, going to a new realm through two pillars is very Masonic, stolen from Solomon's pillars Yachin and Boaz.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

"He stepped to the window and pointed to the skyscrapers of the city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of the world, and when we would see the lights of New York go out, we would know that our job was done." Ayn Rand.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Boneh Israel is where it's happening, but it's been silent these critical months. In theory there are about three out of five heifers still qualified, of different ages, and some say they can be sacrificed after two years and one day, so it's possible they could proceed with the sacrifice immediately. I suspect they are awaiting Gaza results before they take their opportunity. Bigger than the sacrifice will be if they lay the foundation stone, which I understand can be done within 21 minutes of being scrambled for action. They don't want to do that until they can withstand the blowback, thus Gaza. All good sources in this thread, though OP is the 2022 data.

u/dumb_okie, the 2018 heifer was disqualified, but these are not said to be.

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not recommended. We used to call him PAYmon.

There is a cause worth promoting here, and that is free publication of true and accurate information about the nature of the tax; sorry that it's not a Swamp Rangers priority right now or I would say more.

Truths: (1) The tax is constitutional because it is "voluntary", in the sense that those who wish not to volunteer, who do their own study, and who survive the juggernaut of attempts to dissuade them from not volunteering can get to a reasonably comfortable place of confidence they have upheld the law and dealt with the enemy appropriately. (2) I don't recall that any 1984 SCOTUS case is significant in this respect, no one case gets you out of the dilemma. (3) Bill Benson's book charging that every state whatsoever had one or more formal errors during the 16th Amendment ratification process was The Law That Never Was, except that it has no traction because everything deemed done counts as done in law. That is, we can assume it was ratified deceptively and unscrupulously, but that argument won't bring remedy because everyone has always accepted it as ratified fairly until Benson came along.

(4) (u/bubble_bursts) IRS always continues to go after "nonfilers", without any change in strategy over time, because when a nonfiler has an information return (W-2 etc.) filed against him this initiates the nexus permitting them to keep harassing until they get to file for you (since you didn't volunteer to explain the info return). I'll admit two brief periods in my life when I was a nonfiler and I was gone after until I filed. If there is any policy, it's that going after the smallest fish won't be worth it to them, but there is no guarantee you'll stay a small fish and it is not generally patriot practice to do so. Weeding through the thousands of cases of IRS manipulation and destruction of lives shows that there's not a magic bullet, and those who regard themselves as upholding the law must still deal with the full consequences of the charge that they're not. They destroyed Joe Louis.

I have previously posted crumbs here but it is necessary for each person to research the law for himself and to be convinced how to proceed in his own mind. For now, consider that, in any reasonable situation, if an information return is filed against you indicating that the money you received was wages and thus income, and you believed it was in point of fact not wages or income, the law would provide you a mechanism for providing the correct information. If you attach a W-2 to your 1040 signed under penalties of perjury, you are attesting that everything in both forms is accurate and correctly defined legally. If you have doubts about anything in either form, you should research the law until you have a clear legal position. (Having looked at Peymon at different times, I can say he is unlikely to help you find an ironclad legal position that has worked repeatedly in the past.)

SwampRangers 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do find that case 23A622, Lake v. Fontes, had a filing due date of 2024-03-14, which agrees with Lindell's statement, so that might be a match. However, your filing does not mention Lindell so it's not clear yet whether this is his biggie, but it could well be. Your text is the unfiled, undated version so it should still be considered a draft, but may well be an authoritative enough one.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very interesting map! Bookmarking to talk more about this with you later.

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